The Lok Raj Sangathan’s campaign for Delhi assembly elections 2013 began in the Sanjay Colony in Tughlakabad constituency on festive Sunday. Armed with megaphone and leaflets declaring the manifesto of the LRS for the assembly elections the activists and supporters of lok Raj Sangathan, waded through the narrow lanes and by-lanes of the thickly populated colony. Members of Sanjay Colony Lok Raj Samiti, which had fought numerous battles for the right of the residents water, electricity, toilets and othet basic necessities, were elated that one amongst them was carrying forward the battle into the electoral arena and challenging the monopoly of the parties of the rich – the congress and the BJP.
Bijju Nayak was selected by the Sanjay Colony Lok Raj Samiti to represent them in the elections as the representative of the working class. Proudly declaring his antecedents as son of a worker, who has lived in the colony since his birth and seen the sufferings and struggle of people to live decent life, Bijju Nayak addressed number of street corner meetings. He called upon the residents to be proud that they are workers, the creators of all wealth, and should put their claim to political power, and be masters of their own destiny. That is the only way to change their conditions of living. He raised the demand for ensuring minimum wage of at least Rs. 15000 for every workers, ensuring water, electricity and sanitation facilities for every resident, which no other party will ever admit, as it hurts the interest of the rich as it will take away their control over the poor.
Lok Raj Sangathan is supporting 5 candidates from working class in the assembly elections in the adjoining constituencies of South Delhi – Tughlakabad, Sangam Vihar, Kalkaji, Badarpur and Okhla. Despite all odds they are campaigning for interest of the working people, for them to take power in their own hands.