By Shrikant Modak
Modi’s State Visit to US this Summer, Imbroglio Following BBC Documentaries, and Uproar following by Hindenburg Report. What Explains Astronomical Convergence?
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After watching several social media platforms, it is difficult not to agree with their overall analysis, pertaining to the imbroglio this has created with respect to IT raids on BBC premises. That said, the media’s glorification of BBC, as an unflinching upholder of independent journalism, based on it’s refusal to toe government line during Falkland War is uncalled for. Much water has flown in the Thames since then. The famed British media of yore is only a caricature of its past.
The times have changed and the Britain’s media has taken many hard knocks over the last 30 years. This has diminished its fabled objectivity. Since Tony Blair’s reign at the helm, its prestige has fallen to such extent that even the BBC has not remained immune. It is no longer impervious to the Government’s influence; especially, when it comes to the geopolitical interests of its ruling elites.
In fact, it would not be far fetched to say that the foreign policy of Britain, which is driven by the geopolitical interests of its ruling elites, is now greatly in sync with that of its ally, the US’ ruling elites. One impact of the aggressively asserting elites of these countries has been to dilute the role of their Mainstream Media as purveyors who of unvarnished news.
Having laid out these facts, what’s under doubt is not the contents of the BBC documentary. It has faithfully reported a shameful pogrom of a minority community that occurred 20 years ago in the western state of India. This remains a blot to this day on the character of the nations government. However, what raises suspicion is the motive behind the release of this documentary at this juncture, together with the back to back release of Hindernburg report.
Adding to the mystery is a fact that the BBC’S documentary is based on the findings of its own Government pertaining to a carnage that took place at Godhra, and the pernicious attacks on the minority community that followed subsequently. While the British Government’s investigation on this score at that time cannot be faulted on grounds that many of the victims were the kith and kin of the British subjects, it wouldn’t be impertinent to ask who could be behind BBC raking up the memories of this ghoulish event after a lapse of two decades; that too just a few months before Indian Prime Minister’s state visit to the US.
Since British are known to act in concert with their principal ally, the US, the convergence of the said developments makes one wonder whether the Americans with their British ally are building up pressure to get something precious from the Indian Prime Minister, by exploiting his weaknesses? And, what could this be?
India under Modi has already signed the four foundational agreements with the US, which makes it the latter’s strategic ally. So what more would the US be expecting from its newly indoctrinated ally?
Could it be a substantial shift in India’s arms purchase away from its arch rival, Russia, and towards it. US has been goading India to move towards it for quite sometime, on grounds of establishing interoperability between their two defense establishments.
Indeed, the proverbial influence of the US’ Arms lobby over its political set up is well documented. It would therefore not be illogical to expect that the US government is peddling with India the interest of its defense lobby; especially, since it stands to profit from the commercial deal with one of the top 5 arms importers in the world.
It will be interesting to see whether India ends up signing agreement to purchase US’ exorbitantly expensive F 35 fighter jets, which the global defense experts believe are not worth their price. The other possibility could be to get India to unequivocally tilt towards G7 group within G20, and against Russia and China.
This is a serious issue for US and it’s NATO allies, who have significantly lost their standing in the UN assembly, and they would like as important a country as India to move in their camp unequivocally, as their ally in the South Asia.
But, there could be something more than this that US expects to get which it could be arm twisting Infia playing upon it’s leader’s weaknesses. It will be interesting to watch what Modi signs this summer during his state visit to US, where Biden is to host a banquet in his honour.
We will indeed come to know then what’s the nation has had to pay for the indiscretion of its leader.
Shrikant Modak has held senior positions with The Economic Times, Business Today and Business India