To IIT-B Students Against Fee Hike Collective, 27th July 2022
Dear Students,
Lok Raj Sangathan fully supports the ongoing struggle of the students of IIT Bombay against the massive fee hike imposed on many of you. For on roll PhD and M Tech students, the fees have been increased by 45% and 39% respectively. For undergraduates, the fees have been increased by Rs. 7150.
The fee for new entrants for M Tech is increased by over six times and for new entrants for PhD by over 60 %. This fee hike is simply unacceptable. The diabolical attitude of the authorities is clearly evident. On the one hand, it is a manifestation of the policy of “Divide and Rule”. The authorities know that new entrants cannot unite overnight and fight.
However we are happy to see that you are also raising the issue of fee hikes for new entrants, in the spirit “An attack on one is an attack on all!”
Many students are the sole breadwinners of their families and the stipend amount barely covers their living and research expenses. These fee hikes will demoralise many students, driving many into debt. It will also close the doors in the faces of many deserving students.
Not only were the students not consulted but their elected representatives were not even aware of such a decision. After the 2017 anti-fee hike agitation, the IIT-B administration had promised that the students’ representatives would be consulted before any such fee hike in the future. They have gone back on their word.
The government has the right to collect taxes only because it is duty-bound to provide quality education, health care, transportation, electricity, tele-communication and all basic necessities for a dignified human life at affordable rates. All successive government have worked in the totally opposite direction and abdicated their duties towards the citizens.
The issue of fee hike is not coming up in IITs alone but also in many other government institutions. Just two weeks ago, students from Pune University protested for rolling back the fee hike. There too the fee hike was more than 200%.
Lok Raj Sangathan supports the just demands of the students. Good, affordable education is one of the fundamental rights of every individual for their overall development.
Yours sincerely,
S Das,
Maharashtra Council of Lok Raj Sangathan