Mr S. Raghavan
President, Lok Raj Sangathan, Delhi
Dear President of LRS,
It is with sadness that I learnt about the demise of Justice Hosbet Suresh, Hon. Chairperson of LRS on June 11, 2020 at the age of 91.
A man of sincerity and integrity and a tireless champion for the cause of justice, Justice Suresh represented the best this country has to offer. The fact that he held this position at the time of his demise speaks of his commitment for the causes he believed in and fought for. Every human being today is born to society which is at various stages of development in different parts of the world. Each human being and individual has the responsibility to fight for the advancement of society. The rights of a society enshrine the rights of all, and of individuals, and vice versa. By our actions each of us stands either for progress or retrogression. To us, a learned person like Justice Suresh being in our midst and guiding us with his knowledge and erudition and experience was a great source of strength and courage. To each of us it is a great loss. I am writing to express my condolences to all the members of LRS as well as the office-bearers. I also request you to kindly convey our condolences to his family.
B. Ananthanarayan