8th AIC of LRS

The 8th All India Convention of Lok raj Sangathan was held on February 10, 2019, in New Delhi.

The Convention discussed the developing situation in our country, and assessed the work of the organization since the Seventh All India Convention held in October 2017.  It put forth a plan of action for the coming period. The Convention also elected a new All India Council.

The All India Convention approved the Report of activities of the organisation, ratified the Manifesto of the organisation, resolved to use the opportunity of the coming Lok Sabha elections to make people conscious of their political rights and mobilise them to fight for their own empowerment, resolved to face the challenge of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections with full confidence that we, the people, are the real alternative. It resolved to increase our membership, escalate our work manifold, strengthen our Samitis and build new ones, invigorate our regional councils to redouble their efforts in organising the people, and work with the conviction that in the near future, it is the people of India who will be her new masters.

The full text of the Resolution is reproduced below.

Resolution of the 8th All India Convention of Lok Raj Sangathan
February 10, 2019, New Delhi

  1. The 8th All India Convention of Lok Raj Sangathan, having thoroughly discussed the report on activities of the organisation since the previous Convention, resolves to approve the report.
  2. Having thoroughly discussed the Manifesto of Lok Raj Sangathan “Come Let us take India’s Destiny into our hands” in all the organisations of the Lok Raj Sangathan, this Convention resolves to adopt it and vigorously agitate amongst the people on all the points put forth in the Program of Action.
  3. This Convention resolves to step up work of building the political unity of the people in the struggle for their basic necessities, in the struggle against the attempts of the ruling class to sow divisions amongst the people, and in the struggle for electoral and political reforms that will bring people to the center stage of decision making.  
  4. This Convention resolves to utilize the Lok Sabha elections to widely propagate the necessity for people’s empowerment as the condition for people to ensure prosperity and security for all. This Convention notes that all across the country, people are expressing their dissatisfaction with the BJP, Congress and other such parties which have a track record of working for the corporate houses and against the interests of the people. People are seeking an alternative. In many constituencies, people are putting forth candidates who have a track record of fighting for the rights of the people, of opposing the communal division of society. This Convention resolves to actively support such candidates and work for their victory so that the voice of the people is heard in parliament.
  5. This Convention resolves to step up work to increase membership, strengthen the existing organisations of LRS and build new ones, and redouble our efforts to organise all sections of the people for their rights and for their empowerment.


8th AIC of LRS


By admin