Our farmers and families in the throes of agrarian distress
Groan in pain over their debts and financial mess
The bankers send notices and warnings of loan money unpaid
Money lenders send their henchmen to ensure every penny is paid
The helpless farmer driven to sheer despair
Hangs himself to escape the endless nightmare
Leaving behind loved ones, staring at a future
So dismal, dark, dreary, bleak and insecure
Until hope dawns in the gritty community
In the form of a Long March of Solidarity
The crucified march through various alleys and stations
In dignified silence that attract adulation and attention
They shame today’s rulers sitting pretty in their pricey homes
Forcing them to climb down from their high and mighty thrones
Anthony Dias
SAMANVAYA (Networking for Communal Harmony)
JESA: WZone, SA-ML Bom
XISR, Nashik/Easter 2018