Lok Raj Sangathan condemns the police assault on students in Delhi. On January 30, students of Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Ambedkar University were participating in a protest demonstration in Karolbagh in Delhi, organised by a Joint Action Committee (JAC) of student organizations. This protest action was organised to highlight the anger of students of the Central universities of Delhi at the savage persecution of students in Hyderabad Central University by the Central government for boldly upholding their right to conscience and daring to organise themselves on that basis.
As the students began marching to the barricades set up at the protest site, the police launched a savage preplanned attack on them. Journalists covering the demonstration were witness to the officers ordering a lathicharge on unsuspecting students, in which many students were injured. The police also smashed the cameras of journalists covering the event, to destroy proof of the savage violence unleashed on the students. The police further mercilessly thrashed male and female students.