The continuously growing communal violence poses a big challenge to the revolutionary movement of workers and peasants. Why are communalism and the incidents of communal violence growing? What is their source? How can they be stopped? It is absolutely necessary today to take up these questions for discussion to respond to the call of the times to correctly lead the worker-peasant movement to deal with communalism.

In this context, the Jan Chetna Manch, Samtamulak Mahila Sangathan and Jan Sangarsh Manch organised a successful meeting “Against Communal Violence” on August 23, 2015 in Gohana town in Sonepat district of Haryana. Hundreds of workers, peasants, youth and students participated seriously in this meeting. A large number of women participated in the meeting.

The meeting hall was adorned with many messages of our patriots. Among the messages was the one expressed by Shaheed Bhagat Singh in his essay on “Communal Riots and their Cure”. Shri Naresh Virodiya, vice-President of Jan Sangarsh Manch presided over the meeting.

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