img-20150816-wa0050.jpgHundreds of youth and children gathered on the community ground in Sashi Garden, East Delhi to participate in the cultural festival organised by the Lok Raj Samiti of Shashi Garden, East Delhi under the leadership of the Delhi Council of Lok Raj Sangathan. The themes were very thought provoking framed around the problems and challenges facing the people, particularly the youth. The problems of education, finding livelihood opportunities, their living conditions, and aspirations for themselves, the society and the country formed the themes they expressed creatively, through essays, and drawings. A quiz tested their knowledge of the current affairs and the history.




The cultural events and competitions was followed by a public meeting addressed by leaders of Lok Raj Sangathan and other organisation participating in the campaign to struggle for rights and defeat the colonial legacy. S Raghavan, President of Lok Raj Sangathan, Dr Sanjeev Chhiber, President of Naya Daur Party, and Arif Mohammad of Popular Front of India addressed the public meeting, attended by youth and their families, who participated in large numbers despite heavy rains. Shri Raghavan explained that the aim of Lok Raj Sangathan is to empower the people and youth who are an important force in building a society without poverty, unemployment and communal violence. The eagerness with which they participated in the competition and the thoughts they expressed through their paintings, and essays showed that they are fully capable of building and managing that kind of society. Several organisers of the event spoke about the importance of youth in participating in such events and expressing their views on today’s political situation and the kind of society they wish to build.


The programme concluded with prize distribution, where every winning participant was greeted with cheers from all the participants and parents. Birju Nayak, Secretary of Delhi Council of Lok Raj Sangathan thanked all the youth for participating and contributing to the success of the campaign.

By admin