Lok Raj Sangathan along with organised a public meeting on the theme “On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany: The lessons of history must not be forgotten!” on the 10th of May. The meeting was a great success with a presentation on the history of the defeat of Nazi Germany and speakers from various organisations participating and stressing the need for unity among progressive forces to combat new forms of fascism today.
Resolution passed at the public meeting to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany
We, who have gathered here in New Delhi on the historic occasion of the 70th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany hereby resolve that:
- We will forge the unity of all progressive and democratic forces in the common struggle to defeat the fascist offensive of the Indian ruling establishment and of US imperialism and its allies internationally!
- We will unitedly combat the lies being spread by the Anglo-American imperialists about the alleged threat posed by Russia in Ukraine and by “Islamists” all over the world!
- We will actively oppose the Indian government’s collaboration with the US in defence and intelligence fields!
- We will unitedly explain the truth to our people that the main danger to our people and country comes from US imperialism and the collaboration of our rulers with the US!
- We will combat the lies that are daily spread by the Indian ruling circles about Pakistan and “cross-border terrorism” being the main dangers to our country!
- We will defend the rights of all members of society and combat all acts of state terrorism, be it in the name of fighting terrorists, fundamentalists, insurgents or Naxalites, or in the name of defending national unity and territorial integrity of India!
- We reject and actively oppose any kind of false justifications that are being propagated for India to participate in imperialist wars!
- We will fight for the modern definition that rights belong to all people by virtue of being a member of society; and hence it is the duty of the State to ensure that people’s rights are protected and never violated.
- We will fight together to create a new India that defends human, national and other democratic rights and works for an international order of peace and friendship among all nations and peoples.
The Presentation made on the occassion is available for download in Hindi and English. You can use the presentation to educate more people about the topic. Please do not change the contents of the presentation.