Lok Satta Party alongwith its alliance partners is going to the State Election Commissioner tomorrow(26th March 2013) at 11AM to submit a memorandum/representation on POLL CODE VIOLATIONS during MCD 2012.
We had filed PIL and on 23rd January SEC was directed to take action and again in the Writ petition dated 22nd March their counsel reiterated that theyhave not acted upon our letters/represenrentation. We are now going to meet the SEC and ascertain why no action ahs been taken inspite of giving adequate proof. If no satisfactory response is received then we propose to gherao the State Election Commissioner in his office.
During the hearing on the writ petition filed by Deepak Gupta and Lok Satta Party the counsel for State Election Commissioner & othrs admitted in court that they had not replied to the letters nor had taken any action on the violations.
We have been writing since 5th April 2012 regarding violations to your office and RO, SDM(MCD – Shahdara South) and Delhi Police – letters have been sent earlier and also indicated above but no action has been initiated apart from providing excuses to get away from taking action or acting upon our representations. In each of the complaints we have provided adequate proof of violations which are blatant and could not miss the eyes of your office or the arms of State Election Commissioner and inaction shows biase in favour of large parties.
We urge you to kindly act upon the violations within 15 days and take necessary action.
We will be visiting your office tomorrow along with the delegates of Lokraj Democratic Alliance at 11.00AM for a personal meeting to take the matter forward and find a viable solution for the betterment of citizens.
Best regards
Anurag Kejriwal
Delhi State President & Member – National Steering Committee
State Election Commission office is in kashmere Gate.
All members are requested to please attend as a show of solidarity. For details please communicate with Shri Deepak Gupta – 9212645588/9810045588 who is spearheading this agitation.
Best Regards,
Anurag Kejriwal
Delhi State President & Member – National Steering Committee
For further information please visit www.loksatta.org/delhi