1. Immediate expulsion of all foreign troops from Afghanistan
Ten years ago, the US government and its allies launched a brutal military invasion of Afghanistan. This was justified as a reaction to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York. However, there is not a shred of evidence that suggests that the Afghan government was the organizer of the attacks. The imperialist invasion and continued occupation of Afghanistan, the death and destruction of the country, that have been carried out by bombing and other military actions, cannot be justified and constitute criminal activities.
This public meeting held on the 9th October 2011 in New Delhi to mark the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan condemns the US imperialists and their allies for invading and militarily occupying Afghanistan and unleashing brutal force to subjugate the people; and demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign troops so that the Afghan people can be masters of their own destiny.
2. Condemnation of US–led “war against terror” as the biggest threat to peace and well-being of peoples
US imperialism and its allies are meddling in the internal affairs and violating the sovereignty of countries that refuse to obey their dictate. They justify these in the name of waging "war against terror" when US imperialism is itself the fountainhead of terrorism. It is common knowledge that various terror groups in Afghanistan were funded by US to counter the Soviet Union, in the 1980s. Anglo-American imperialism is on an aggressive course worldwide to ensure its domination over whole world, using any pretext for this. It is inciting civil wars in Africa and Asia, with the aim of affecting regime changes to serve their narrow interest. This public meeting held on the 9th October 2011 in New Delhi to mark the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, condemns US imperialism and it’s allies, holding them responsible for committing heinous crimes against humanity.
3. In solidarity with the people of Pakistan, who have been made the target of American military attacks
The incessant attacks by the American military that have killed hundreds of children, women and other innocent people, especially in the border and north-west regions of Pakistan, this public meeting held on the 9th October 2011 in New Delhi to mark the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, condemns the overt and covert actions by American military forces and expresses solidarity with the fraternal people of Pakistan. We vow to expose the nefarious activities of US imperialism in this region, particularly those that come in the way of normalizing relations between India and Pakistan, that heighten tension and create an atmosphere of distrust between our two countries and peoples.
4. Against building of close ties between India and US imperialism
Given the aggressive drive of the US, which ruthlessly violates the sovereign rights of peoples and countries, carries out military aggression and occupation in the name of "war against terror", bombs and strafes unarmed innocent citizens using high technology, targets people belonging to certain religions in different parts of the world, meddles in the affairs of other countries who do not agree with imperialist prescriptions and dictates, and other crimes too numerous to list, this public meeting held on the 9th October 2011 in New Delhi to mark the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, condemns the Indian State for building close military and political ties with US imperialism. Such ties amount to becoming a partner in crimes committed by US imperialism and are a matter of shame for the peace and freedom loving people of our subcontinent. Moreover, collaboration with the US is adversely affecting the ancient ties of friendship that Indian people have had with the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as those of Iraq, Iran and other Asian countries. We demand that Indian government desist from building military, intelligence and strategic ties with US. We urge the Indian government to take a consistent stand against the actions of the US in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya and other parts of the world and for the sovereignty of the peoples of these countries.
5. To unite with all peace loving and democratic forces to build a strong anti-imperialist movement
The sovereign rights of countries, nations and peoples are under severe attack by imperialism today. A sovereign country has the right to adopt a social, political or economic system of its own. However, it can be easily seen that any country that opts to deviate from the imperialist prescription is being targeted for "regime change" and is even militarily attacked. This public meeting held on the 9th October 2011 in New Delhi to mark the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan appeals to the peoples and governments in South Asia and the rest of the world to take a stand against the aggressive, anti-people, anti-social activities of the Anglo-American and other imperialists; and to strengthen the movement to restore sovereign rights of countries, nations and peoples.