img_5891.jpgOn 9th October, Lok Raj Sangathan and Jamat-e-Islami Hind organized a public discussion ‘On the tenth anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan’. The meeting was very well attended with the hall filling up with youth, activists and other progressive sections.


The main speakers and all others who came forward with their interventions were united and forceful in voicing that the US imperialists will have to get out of Afghanistan and that it had no business in this entire region. They spoke about the situation in Afghanistan and how it is not a recent development. Afghanistan has been in turmoil since the 1970’s. A lively discussion ensued, as it was pointed out that even the Indian state is oppressive (examples from Kashmir and the North East) and to expect it to have a change of heart and actually do something for the people of Afghanistan was wishful thinking. That it is the united movement of the people in our country that can truly change things and that humanity is our religion. We do not support oppression and aggression on innocent peoples of Afghanistan.

Resolutions were passed unanimously, condemning the attack on the Afghan nation and peoples, demanding the immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, condemnation of US–led “war against terror” as the biggest threat to peace and well-being of peoples, in solidarity with the people of Pakistan, who have been made the target of American military attacks, against building of close ties between India and US imperialism and on the need to unite with all peace loving and democratic forces to build a strong anti-imperialist movement.

A few images from the event can be seen below. A detailed report of the discussion and the resolutions will soon be available on the website.



By admin