picture_014.jpgThe struggle for passing Jan Lok Pal Bill intensified in cities, town and villages across the country with people gheraoing the residences of their MPs in their respective constituencies. People gheraoed cabinet ministers in the Capital. Addressing the gathering at the epicenter of the agitation at Ramlila maidan, Prakash Rao, Convenor, Lok Raj Sangathan asserted that this is “Lok Raj in Action”, where people are demanding that the elected representatives listen to the voice of the people. People have already passed the Lok Pal Bill, now it is for the elected representatives, the MPs to decide, whether they want to go with people or renege on their commitment to serve people.


Addressing the large gathering he said that “I salute this land, which was earlier called Sahajahanabad and was the epicenter of another struggle more that 150 years ago during the 1857 Ghadar. This is land of revolutionaries and martyrs. These revolutionaries and fighters gave the call “Hum hai Iske malik, Hindostaan hamara!”. Overthrowing the British dominance they elected and installed Bahadurshah Zafar as their ruler, who in turn acknowledged that it is the people who have chosen him and they are the ones who have the right to decide the destiny of this land. Rivers of blood flowed on the streets, the blood of the revolutionaries and martyrs, who had taken upon themselves to get rid of the alien rule of the British and establish the rule of people of India. Today again the people of this land have risen up and I salute their revolutionary spirit and determination. On the occasion of Janamashtami millions of people have risen to put an end to the rule of oppression, injustice and tyranny of the corrupt”.


Challenging the assertion by the ministers of Manmohan Singh Government questioning the representative character of the agitation and its leaders like Anna Hazare, he said “let there be a referendum whether people want Jan Lok Pal or Sarkari Lok Pal. This bill is not a product of few individuals, but has emerged from the heart and soul of millions of people who have already passed this bill. Now it is up to parliament to decide where it stands – whether it agrees with people of India or not”.

He asserted that people are the real masters of this land, and not those handful of people who claim to be the elected representatives. If sincere and committed individuals do not want to participate in the electoral process, then the fault is not with these individuals, but with this party-dominated political system.

He concluded his speech asserting that the workers, peasants, women and youth of this land are its real masters and appealed to the gathering to join in the slogan “Hum hai Iske Maalik, Hum hai Hindostaan, Mazdoor, Kisan, Aurat aur Jawaan”.



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