Lok Raj Sangathan and the Lok Shasan Aandolan organized a meeting on 24th May in Mumbai entitled “Nepal-Road towards People’s power and challenges”.
The meeting attracted activists of many political parties and peoples organisations. There were activists from CGPI, CPI, SUCI, CPI(ML), CPI(ML)-Liberation, HMS, IFTU, Kamgar, Indian Airport Employees Union, Mahamumbai Shetakri Sangarsh Samiti, Jagrut Kamgar Manch, Yuva Bharat, RADA, Ekta, Indian Centre for Human Rights and Law, Kashtakari Mahila Sanghathan, Bhoomi Sena, Adivasi Ekta Parishad, Rationing Kriti Samiti and Kashtakari Hawkers Union. Several activists who had ben in Nepal as invited international observers during the Constituent Assembly Elections in April, shared their experiences with the participants.
The Mumbai convenor of Lok Raj Sangathan Dr Matthew, gave the key note presentation. Dr Matthew had been in Nepal during the Constituent Assembly Elections of April 10, as an invited international observer. He started with sketching in brief the historical developments in Nepal in last 60 years. He pointed out that the Nepali people had risen time and again against the monarchy and autrocracy, for democracy and progress. However a combination of internal and external forces had succeeded in crushing their strivings in the past. Within Nepal, there were parties and groups which had compromised the struggle against the monarchy by accepting the two pillar model according to which the decisive power was with the king, even though a parliaiemaent existed. The Indian state had also played a major role in the past to suppress the democratic striving of the Nepali people, openly as well as covertly interfering in the internal affairs of Nepal to safeguard and advance Indian ruling class interests at the expense of the Nepali people
In these conditions, that the successful elections to the Constituent Assembly is a glorious achievement. This a result of the struggle of the people of Nepal led by the communist revolutionaries, in which various political forces have played a role.The Constituent Assembly will abolish the monarchy at its first sitting. It will elect a new government. It will, within a space of two years, write the new Constitution of Nepal, replacing the present interim constitution.
Dr Matthew showed scores of photographs which he had taken during Nepal elections and pointed out that these elections showed tremendous enthusiasm among the people to change the political power in Nepal. He pointed out as to how tens of thousands of people, had travelled on foot for miles due to hilly region, and were present at polling booths since 7 a.m! He wished and expressed hope that Nepali people will succeed in creating a new Nepal according to their aspirations.
Nepali Janadhikar Suraksha Samiti (Maharashtra) President Com. Devakar, in his speech, pointed out that various imperialist powers are hatching plots to subvert the victorious struggle of his people. He promised that the Nepali people will not allow any such attempt to succeed. He expressed that Nepali people are fully aware that if the revolutionary political party goes out of control of people then it gets spoiled and promised that Nepali people will not allow this to happen. He called upon all the Indian communists and people’s organizations to safeguard the victory of Nepali people which has once again enlivened the proletariat of the world.
Advocate Datta Patil, 83 year “young” noted activist of Maharashtra, who has been a member of Maharashtra Assembly for 27 years and was also leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, addressed the meeting next. Adv Patil had also been in Nepal during the elections as an international observer. He pointed out that never in his life he has seen such election process in which people participated with such great enthusiasm. He compared the recent Thane Lok Sabha elections wherein out of 36 lakh voters, almost 25 lacs did not vote, with Nepal elections wherein right from early morning thousands thronged the polling booths. He explained that in India even for a local Corporator’s election so much money is required to be spent if one has to win. But he witnessed how in Nepal such huge expenditure is not required if people get organized politically. He congratulated people of Nepal & declared that in real sense “Polling was free & fair”.
Justice Kolse Patil, well known judicial activist of Maharashtra, who was also in Nepal as an International observer during the elections congratulated the people of Nepal for electing the Constituent assembly to write a new Constitution. He pointed out that the Indian Constitution was written by a Constituent Assembly which was elected not by all Indian people but only by minority of propertied & educated classes of India. He pointed out as to how various US agencies are actively trying to subvert the victory of Nepali people even now. He declared that once again Nepali people have proven that the mightiest powers fail when faced with strongly united Janshakti.
After this the meeting was thrown open for discussion. Shoma Sen pointed out that during her visits to Nepal she had seen a huge change and advance in Nepali women in their political, cultural level. She pointed out that women of Nepal have also fought shoulder to shoulder with men to overthrow the monarchy.
The representative of CGPI declared that Indian communists and people at large must oppose any efforts of the Indian state to interfere in the affairs of Nepal to subvert the peoples strivings. He congratulated the organisers for holding this important meeting.
Com.Vilas Sonawane, from Lok Shasan Andolan, who was also an International observer during the Nepal Elections concluded the meeting. He pointed out as to how Indian capitalists control the trade of Nepal almost completely and as to how Indian government in the past have blackmailed Nepal government into submission by cutting off the supply of salt. Indian capitalists will try similar tricks again. He pointed out that the entire election process showed to the entire world the strong desire of Nepali people to change the power structure completely. He called upon Indian communists to give up their petty differences, stop labeling and destroying each other, and instead unite for building a new India.
The meeting ended with all the participants expressing their full support to the struggle of Nepali people.