Resident doctors working 24 hours a day for years altogether have suddenly gone on strike. WHY??

Reasons being,

  1. No human being can work efficiently for more than 8 hours a day. So isn’t it inhuman to make a doctor work 24 hours a day, everyday?
  2. Aren’t we entitled to proper living conditions, sanitation and clean food?
  3. Is it fair, in spite of all this hardship, on the part of public to assault the doctor, when things go wrong?
  4. We get a stipend that is less than that of an unskilled manual labourer.
  5. Rather than looking into our demands, the Government is threatening us with stringent action.

So we request the public at large to understand our problems and convey to the Government in any possible manner.

We once again apologize to the public for the inconvenience caused and assure you of our best services once our demands are fulfilled.

Thanking you,

Maharashtra Association of Resident Doctors (MARD)

By admin