All over India, the campaign against the upcoming visit of George Bush is gathering momentum.
There are many initiatives that have begun.
Lok Raj Sangathan called for a planning meeting to organise against Bush’s visit on February 3 in which a large number of individuals and organisations participated. Many more expressed their eagerness to contribute and participate in the campaign. On February 7, a follow up meeting was held to check on the implementation of the decisions of February 3. At this meeting, the joint poster and leaflet were approved for printing and distribution.
Meanwhile attractive stickers have been prepared in large numbers.
Teachers and students in the different universities and colleges in Delhi, youth organisations, women’ organisations, the Communist Ghadar Party of India, trade unions affiliated to communist parties, cultural organisations, organisations of various collectives, organisations like the Jamiat Ulema E Hind, the Azadi Bachao Andolan, NAPM, church groups, Sanatan Dharm Parishad, Gandhians, the Nirman Mazdoor Panchayat Sangam, and many other organisations as well as numerous individual personalities have been working might and main to make the campaign a success.
The next meeting of the Campaign initiated by the Lok Raj Sangathan is slated on February 15 at 5 pm at the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, to review the action taken thus far and plan further actions.
Earlier on February 2, at the call of the Jamiat Ulema E Hind, an important consultation was held in the India International Center to chalk out program of action to oppose the visit of US President Bush, This meeting, chaired by Dr JK Jain, was attended by many personalities and representatives of different organisations, including the Lok Raj Sangathan. Prominent personalities who addressed the consultation included Maulana. Madani, leader of the Jamiat Ulema E Hind, writer and film personality Amrish Mishra, film producer Mahesh Bhat, and many other personalities. In their presentations, all the personalities condemned US imperialism and its crimes, pointed out the great danger to India and South Asia coming from the strategic tying up of India with the US, and called for a mass movement of the Indian people, embracing people from all walks of lives and all organisations.
The CPI, CPIM, Forward Bloc, RSP and the Samajwadi Party have called for powerful protest actions against Bush’s visit.
The Lok Raj Sangathan has received numerous messages from people all over India as well as abroad inquiring about possible programs in their area to oppose Bush’s visit. Such proposals have come from New York, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Pune, and many small towns all over India. Messages of support have come from many people in Pakistan as well.
The way the situation is developing we are optimistic that Bush’s visit to Delhi will be greeted by huge protests from people from all walks of life. Not only that, the period of Bush’ visit, will be one wherein in many cities and towns of India, massive anti-imperialist manifestations will take place.
Let us, each one of us, spare no efforts to arouse the Indian people against US imperialism and its dangerous developing alliance with India, and fight for the unity of the peoples of Asia and world peace.